Valued Coaching
Empowering Individuals To Change Their Thinking And Behaviour
Individuals can adapt their thinking and behaviour when they are empowered and motivated to do so. Valued Coaching empowers people to make positive and sustainable changes in the way they work by equipping them with confidence and skills to consider new perspectives, uncover limiting beliefs, experiment with new approaches, and align decisions and actions with their values and goals.

Valued Coaching
Valued Coaching supports employees to create new habits to enhance their workplace engagement and performance. We work with individuals to identify the values that drive them and support them to establish and maintain new behaviours that will help them achieve outcomes that matter to them.
Central to our coaching approach is working closely with the employer to ensure the outcomes are aligned with the expectations of the business and that the individual’s manager is invested in supporting the person to achieve their goals.

Valued Coaching
Coaching Focus Areas
Coaching is available for employees across all levels of an organisation and for a range of purposes, including:
- Career Development
Working with people to help them build capabilities, make the most of opportunities and turning ‘knowing’ into ‘doing’ so they can achieve their career aspirations. - Critical Skills
Focusing on specific skills gaps that might be preventing a person progressing or achieving their potential. The focus is on helping them apply their new skills in the real world and supporting them to sustain new habits. - Performance Optimisation
Addressing specific behavioural styles, attitudes and beliefs that may be limiting a persons’ performance or progress in their workplace by helping them identify their key strengths and core purpose. - Conflict Management
Working with individuals struggling to work productively together.
Our approach is solution-focused and multi-faceted. It involves identifying the behaviour changes the individual wants to make, using personality assessments to increase the individual’s self -awareness and understanding, then working with them to identify strategies to achieve change. We also work with the employer to set up supports in the workplace that will help the employee achieve and, most importantly, sustain, the behaviour changes in the longer term.

Valued Coaching
How Coaching Is Delivered
Coaching is usually delivered as a course of 6 x 1 hr sessions, with application “homework” in-between sessions. Sessions can be face to face, online or via telephone.
Throughout the coaching program, we work in close partnership with the individual and their direct line manager / team leader. This starts with identifying the purpose and expected outcomes of the coaching, what success looks like and putting in place supports for sustainable behaviour change once the coaching sessions have concluded.